
Showing posts from August, 2018

Assignment 1 – Research Project Details

Assignment 1 – Research Project Details Assignment 1 – Research Project Details Due:                            Sunday of Week 3, 11pm AEST Length:           500 words approximately Weighting:      15% Requirements Use the template below to present your research project idea. Responses need to be written in full sentences, not in bullet points. You must attach a letter from your industry partner which should include the following details – (i) company name and address, (ii) name, position and contact number of the owner/manager approving your proposed project, and (iii) student name approved for undertaking research in their organisation. Submit this assignment through Turnitin. Template Report title What is your report’s title? Industry partner Who is your indu...

Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation

Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation Assessment item 2 – Research Proposal Presentation Due:                    Sunday of Week 6, 11pm AEST Length:               Up to 15 minutes Conditions:        Individual Weighting:         35% Requirements You are required to present the research proposal either through collaborate online, or in person or some other arrangement with approval from your tutor. The presentation should be supported by PowerPoint slides, outline the research plan and demonstrate your communication skills. Please note that you MUST upload your Powerpoint slides through Turnitin. Resources A template is provided for you to base your presentation on. A step-by-step guide for recording your presentation on Blackb...

EVT206a Sport Events

EVT206a Sport Events Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Business Subject code EVT206a Subject name Sport Events Assessment title Assessment 1 – Research Proposal Group or individual assessment Individual Length 800 words (not including tables)   Learning outcomes addressed a) Distinguish the unique aspects of sport events and analyse their importance to the Australian economy and culture.   Submission date   Week 4 Total marks 100 Marks Weighting 30% Results     Assessment Brief:   Working with a client sport focussed organisation or community based in Australia (as chosen by the student) the student is required to develop a sport event research report and concept for the client or host community. The student should note that they will be using this client or community for all three assignments in this unit. Students should note that in this assessment task the focus is upon the organisation. The specific event should not be referred to at this stag...

EVN101 Introduction to Events

EVN101 Introduction to Events ASSESSMENT BRIEF 1 Subject Code and Title EVN101 Introduction to Events Assessment Event Research Report Individual/Group Individual Length A 1,500 word (+/- 10%) length report written in formal academic report format. Learning Outcomes a)    Recognise and appreciate the diversity and scope of the Event Industry. d)    Explain the role and purpose of events in society. Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday – end of Module 2 / Wk4 Weighting 30% Total Marks 100 marks   Context: This assessment is designed to help you recognise what happens during a large and important event and to give you some idea of how influential the industry is, the role and purpose of events within the community and how they can impact society. It will help you understand how and why events are held and give you significant background information for your next two assessments. Instructions: Select one event from the list of Hallmark Events (see...


EDU4CDD CURRICULUM DVLMT & DESIGN Assignment 1 Curriculum Development and Design Task 1  –  2750  Words (equivalent) – 35%                    DUE DATE –    02 Sept 2018 Task One is a portfolio of local and international events that have the capacity to impact curriculum. These themes will be explored in face to face classes. You are to choose  5 issues  that appear in the media. These issues may be social, political or environmental in nature; they may cross borders or be specific to a national or local setting. They must come from  5 different sources . The sources of information might be categorised as; State-based or National (Australian), Online Exclusive (e.g. ONLY available on the Web), International media reports (outside Australia) and Unfiltered Expression. E.g. Web Blog Print media (Note: these sources will als...

ACC03043 Assessment Session 2 2018

ACC03043 Assessment Session 2 2018 ACC03043 Assessment Session 2 2018   Overview of Assessment   Assessment in this unit comprises four tasks:   Assessment Task 1 5%   Assessment Task 2 25%   Assessment Task 3   30%   ·     Examination 40%   Assessment to Meet National Accounting Learning Standard The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) has issued Learning Standards for Business, Management and Economics to meet the requirements of the Higher Education Standards Framework Act 2011. The Learning Standards Statement for Accounting was issued in June 2016 (replacing the first edition of the Accounting Learning Standard issued in February 2011). The 2016 version can be accessed from the following web link. The unit ACC03043 Corporate Governance is covered by the Accounting Learning Standard This unit is offered at the Master Degree standard and is equivalent to the...

MGMT6002 Influencing and Making Decisions

MGMT6002 Influencing and Making Decisions ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title MGMT6002 Influencing and Making Decisions Assessment Assignment One: Reflective Analysis Individual/Group Individual Length 3000 Word Limit Learning Outcomes ·         Select and evaluate the usefulness of a range of decision making tools and reflect on your decision making styles and contrast with other styles and determine the respective levels of rationality and intuition utilised Submission By 23:59 (SYD time) Friday of the end of Module 3 Weighting 50% Total Marks 50 marks   Context: The first half of this subject focuses on the individual and the specific processes—cognitive or otherwise—that individuals engage in when faced with a decision to make. Your task in this first assessment is to reflect on those processes in the context of your own experience and in accounts found in wider reading, and to identify and critique the specific model...

MGT501 Business Environment

MGT501 Business Environment ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Name MGT501 Business Environment Assessment Assignment Two – Environment Scan Part B Individual/Group Individual Length 2000 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a)  critically evaluate the effect of the external environment on firms b)  select and apply appropriate frameworks to resolve the challenges faced by firms c)  analyse and synthesise industry specific factors in the context of firm decision-making processes Submission By 23:59 Friday of the end of Module 4 Weighting 30% Total Marks 30 marks   Context: Contemporary businesses cannot afford to ignore the environments in which they operate. To navigate this vast and ever-changing landscape, businesses must keep a keen eye on the external factors that influence it. Customer behaviour, government regulatory and economic policy, competitor strategy and public opinion all impact on a firm...

MN603 Wireless Networks and Security

MN603 Wireless Networks and Security   Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2018 Unit Code MN603 Unit Title Wireless Networks and Security Assessment Type Individual Assignment 1 Assessment Title Evaluation of LTE/LTE-A Network Security Purpose of the assessment (with          ULO Mapping) The purpose of the assignment is to compare the wireless communication technologies and evaluate the LTE/LTE-A network security. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs: b.  Compare standards-based technologies used in various networks; c.  Test and evaluate various wireless networks performance; Weight 10% Total Marks 50 Word limit 1500 – 2000 words Due Date 2/9/2018 11:55PM Submission Guidelines ·      All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. ·      The assignment must be in MS Word fo...

MN603 Wireless Networks and Security

MN603 Wireless Networks and Security   Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T2 2018 Unit Code MN603 Unit Title Wireless Networks and Security Assessment Type Individual Assignment 1 Assessment Title Evaluation of LTE/LTE-A Network Security Purpose of the assessment (with          ULO Mapping) The purpose of the assignment is to compare the wireless communication technologies and evaluate the LTE/LTE-A network security. Students will be able to complete the following ULOs: b.  Compare standards-based technologies used in various networks; c.  Test and evaluate various wireless networks performance; Weight 10% Total Marks 50 Word limit 1500 – 2000 words Due Date 2/9/2018 11:55PM Submission Guidelines ·      All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. ·      The assignment must be in MS Word fo...