Management Assignment help


Consider the models of stakeholder theory promulgated either by Freeman, Mitchell et al or Donaldson and Preston.Using one of these frameworks outlined in either the text or readings, construct a stakeholder map for an organisation with which you are familiar. You should include both internal and external stakeholders and be as comprehensive as possible. Using the model of stakeholder typology associated with your chosen framework, categorise these stakeholders appropriately. For example, on page 42 of the text  stakeholders are identified as dormant, demanding, dominant, etc.

Try to identify specific stakeholders that are currently being neglected by the current approach to business, especially those in the more influential categories (such as dominant, definitive and dependent). Then develop ideas on how you might correct the situation and engage more appropriately with these stakeholders. In no more than 500 words, summarise your approach to mapping and develop some initial engagement strategies for those neglected but more powerful stakeholders identified in the course of the process.

You will need to display both the map itself and the 500 word summary in a simple report format.

Online submission via Turnitin is required for this assignment. Details will be provided by your subject lecturer.


The rationale of this early assignment is to ensure students are able to comprehend and apply to their workplace (or other organisation) a framework that is fundamental to their understanding of sustainability and to identify the interest groups that transcend the usual financial definitions of commerce to encompass both environmental and social concerns. Analyses from previous modules such as SWOT and PESTLE may prove relevant to this exercise.In particular this assessment is designed to assess Learning Outcomes 2 & 3.

Marking criteria

Criterion               LOHD (85-100%) D (75-84%)CR (65-74%)P (64-50%)F (<50%)
Analysis of stakeholder theory shows evidence of research and reading, with the capacity to support an argument through well structured, cohesive and accurately punctuated writing with evidence (8 marks)

2,3The analysis of stakeholder theory identifies elements and relates them to stakeholders, whilst explaining your selection of elements of theory that are relevant to your organisation. Further, the analysis shows an ability to select and prioritise stakeholders with evidence from literature and your own experience, showing a broad perspective in cohesive and accurately punctuated writing.The analysis of stakeholder theory identifies elements, relates them to stakeholders describing your selection of elements of theory that are relevant to your organisation, and to select and prioritise stakeholders with evidence from literature and your own experience.The analysis of stakeholder theory identifies elements, relates them to stakeholders identifying your selection of elements of theory that are relevant to your organisation, and to select stakeholders with evidence from literature and your own experience.The analysis of stakeholder theory identifies elements of theory that are relevant to your organisation and to select stakeholders with evidence from literature and your own experience.The analysis of stakeholder theory fails to identify elements of theory that are relevant to your organisation and fails to select stakeholders with little or no evidence from literature or from your own experience.
Skills in stakeholder mapping include:

·        Analyses and evaluation

·        Use and practical application of literature and frameworks

·        Detailed analysis of case studies

·        Active engagement with workplace and synthesis of information

·        Application in practice


(8 marks)
2,3The stakeholder map shows evidence of analysis and synthesis of case studies and the workplace to extract practical applications of frameworks and literature to develop a stakeholder map that identifies and evaluates stakeholder status, category and their sphere of influence, power and relevance.The stakeholder map shows evidence of analysis and evaluation of case studies and the workplace to extract practical applications of frameworks and literature to develop a stakeholder map that identifies and evaluates stakeholder status, category and their sphere of influence, power and relevance.The stakeholder map shows evidence of analysis and review of case studies and the workplace to describe practical applications of frameworks and literature to develop a stakeholder map that identifies and evaluates stakeholder status, category and their sphere of influence, power and relevance.The stakeholder map shows evidence of analysis and review of case studies and the workplace to extract applications of frameworks and literature to develop a stakeholder map that identifies stakeholder status, category and their sphere of influence, power and relevance.The stakeholder map fails to show evidence of either analysis and review of case studies and the workplace or to extract applications of frameworks and literature to develop a stakeholder map, and fails to identify fully stakeholder status, category and their sphere of influence, power and relevance
Academic literacy and skills which include:

·        Citations and reference list that follows the APA6 guidelines accurately;

·        The quality of writing and presentation: accurate mechanics (spelling, grammar, punctuation etc.);

·        Use of respectful language to discuss all people; avoiding emotive language; employing inclusive, non-sexist language.

                       (4 marks)
 Structure uses clear and concise topic and linking sentences, and connected paragraphs. Sophisticated level of professional language achieved. Paragraphs succinct with excellent ability with grammar, vocabulary and spelling. Impeccable referencing in APA6. Outstanding presentation and use of respectful language.

Structure that uses paragraphs and sentences. Extensive use of topic and linking sentences. Leads the reader through the argument in a clear and logical way. Follows guidelines comprehensively. Professional literacy well demonstrated. Substantial ability with grammar, spelling and vocabulary. Ample relevant, accurate referencing using APA6 and use of respectful language.Clear structure. Adequate use of sentences and paragraphs. Guidelines followed clearly. Solid level of professional language used. Paragraphs are succinct. Generally good ability with grammar, and spelling; appropriate vocabulary. Significant but limited referencing.Structure is apparent, fair use of topic and linking sentences and paragraphs. Some of the guidelines followed. Only general level of professional language achieved. Adequate level of control over grammar, fair ability with spelling and vocabulary. Referencing lacks specificity with some inaccuracies.No apparent structure. Poor sentence and paragraph construction. Guidelines not followed. Language not professional, inclusive or respectful. Paragraphs off the point. Inadequate ability with grammar, poor vocabulary and spelling. Insufficient and/or inaccurate refe

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