Learning outcomes

In this assignment, you will be focusing on the following unit learning outcome (ULO):

ULO2: Assess security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to the organisation and implement appropriate information security protection mechanisms by analysing requirements, plans and IT security policies.

This ULO will contribute to three of your Deakin graduate learning outcomes (GLOs) in the form of discipline knowledge (GLO1), critical thinking (GLO4) and problem solving (GLO5).

Brief description of assessment task

This task requires you to demonstrate the ability to conduct an investigation of security management issues in corporate organisations based on the background information provided below and write a report.

In your report, you will be required to follow prescribed procedures to evaluate risk levels and the potential impact of threats and vulnerabilities on a hypothetical organisation. You will be assessed on your ability to identify and prioritise the security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to an organisation.

Background information

In Course 1 of SIT763 you looked at the Cyber Security and SMEs (Small and Medium Sized enterprises).

In light of this, your security company has been hired by a government body to undertake a security review in relation to SMEs.

This body would like you to write a consultancy paper about cyber security risks. Your report should address the following:

  1. What common cyber security risks, threats and vulnerabilities do SMEs face?

  1. Based on what we’ve covered so far and your additional research of the literature, what solutions do you propose?

Your task is to assess common security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to a SME and implement appropriate information security protection mechanisms by analysing requirements, plans and IT security policies.

You may also want to reflect on how cyber security issues relating to SMEs are unique.


To prepare your report, you should conduct your research using a variety of sources (including those provided in your prescribed reading list) and reference them.

What do I do now?

  • Start collecting and researching information.

  • Think creatively.

  • Develop the report in Microsoft Word format.

  • Look at the assessment rubric and the unit learning outcomes to ensure that you understand what you are being assessed (and marked) on.

  • The problem-solving task should be between 1000-1500 words (not including references).

Report structure

Below is an example of how you may structure your 1000-1500 word report.
  • executive summary and description of a SME o 150 words

  • cyber security risk assessment

o     600 words including an assessment of the common cyber security risks, threats and vulnerabilities that face SMEs.
  • security strategy

o     600 words outlining a proposed cyber security strategy for SMEs that may include technical, policy, human and governance solutions.
  • summary
    • 150 words

  • references that you have used
    • not included as part of the word count

Referencing, plagiarism and collusion

Any work that you submit for assessment must be your own work. Please note that this unit has systems in place to detect plagiarism and all submissions are submitted to this system.

Submitting written work, in whole or in part, that is copied or paraphrased from other authors (including students), without correct acknowledgement, is considered one of the most serious academic offences. This practice is equivalent to cheating in examinations and it may lead to expulsion from the University. For further information, you should refer to Regulation 4.1(1), Part 2—Academic Misconduct, via

Please note that these regulations are not intended to discourage group work and exchange of views and information with other students and staff. Such interaction is most desirable, provided that you ultimately write your own answers and acknowledge any quoted sources.

We see responsible attitudes to plagiarism as part of general good ethical practice. Ensure you have familiarised yourself with the rules and regulations on plagiarism and collusion.

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