CYW319 Entrepreneurship and Project Management

CYW319 Entrepreneurship and Project Management


Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated:


  1. Critical Understanding of the principles underpinning social entrepreneurship in the context of Community based Practice with reference to empowerment, equality and diversity.

  1. Understanding of the key theoretical influences of entrepreneurship including motivational theory. Emotional resilience, Social and Community Enterprise. Leadership and management



  1. Be able to demonstrate development of entrepreneurial skills in identifying and designing a social enterprise within the community sector.

  1. Be able to apply principles and values linked to equality, diversity and empowerment to practice



Assignment 002 - Business Plan


Canvas & JIRA/Webservices Deadline: Tuesday 16th January 2018 by 16:00


Weighting: 70%


Produce a detailed business plan for a new development in professional community based practice (3000 words)


Learning Outcomes addressed:

  1. Critical Understanding of the principles underpinning social entrepreneurship in the context of Community based Practice with reference to empowerment, equality and diversity.

  1. Understanding of the key theoretical influences of entrepreneurship including motivational theory. Emotional resilience, Social and Community Enterprise. Leadership and management

  1. Be able to demonstrate development of entrepreneurial skills in identifying and designing a social enterprise within the community sector.


Relevant Assessment Criteria are given within the module guide and can be accessed


through the following link:

Here is the solution of this assignment

Please follow below link


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